Thursday, June 16, 2016


  1. Stop saying, “I can’t.” If you hear it too often, you’ll start believing it. Instead, say, “I’ll try my hardest,” or, “I’ll do my best.” 
  2. Don’t make excuses. Whether you speak them out loud or simply keep them to yourself, don't make excuses!
  3. Don’t be a victim. Hosting a pity party and hoping people will feel sorry for you won’t make things better. The world is not against you. Have the mindset of a winner.
  4. Learn from your mistakes. Thinking positively doesn’t mean you should block out all negativity. We all make mistakes—we have to, to get better and to improve as human beings. Learn from them. Reflect on how the situation could have been handled differently and adjust accordingly. 
  5. Visualize your success. Lebe Deine Vision. Live your vision.... before you draw up a plan you got to see it though!
  6. Sit up! Slouching is bad for your posture and your attitude. 
  7. Help someone else. Often times, we get too wrapped up in our own stuff. Volunteer somewhere and extend a hand to someone who might need a boost. You will be amazed at how helping others helps you. 
  8. Send someone a thank you note. Be grateful for the people in your life and the ways they help you become a better human being. 
  9. Go somewhere new. Explore things you’ve never noticed before. Venture down a new walking path, eat at a new restaurant, visit an art gallery. 
  10. Smile. Just smile–even if it is for no reason at all. It's contagious and laughing is the best medicine.
  11. Fill your vocabulary with words of success, strength, encouragement, motivation and optimism. 
  12. Assume the best. Don’t go into a project with a negative mindset, convinced you will fail. "If you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right".
  13. Give yourself a pat on the back. Find things that you are awesome at!!!