Saturday, December 5, 2009


I just back from a little hang out with my teammates, and we watched a movie, which gave me the blog idea to share some of my favorite movies with you today.

This list is off the top of my head, so the order and genres will be somewhat random. I am going to make sure to designate another blog to this topic in the future, after having done a little bit more research, because I already know that there are going to be a lot of deserving movies missing on this list.

1.) The Proposal:
I am going to start off with this movie, because it's the one I saw this evening... Today was actually the second time I've seen it and I must say that it's just an overall cute movie. I believe enjoyable for women AND men. It's romantic, funny and surprisingly creative. Two thumbs up!

2.) Love & Basketball:
Monica: "I Play You".
Quincy: "Whaat?"
Monica: "One Game, One-On-One"
Quincy: "For what?"
Monica: "YOUR HEART"

What else is there to say!

A must-see. A classic. Every baller's dream.

3.) The Best Man:
A lot of good looking actors and an explosive plot... I also love the soundtrack.
Here are two songs:
Ginuwine,Case,Tyrese & R.L "Best Man I can be"

Eric Benet "Poetry Girl"

4.) Man On Fire:

This is the movie I fell in love with Denzel Washington. I wasn't a big fan before then at all and couldn't understand the buzz. But "Creasy" earned him the way to my heart. I know Denzel must care a lot about that ;)

5.) Dumb & Dumber:
Classic!! That's all I can say. So many funny parts, I can't even list them all.

6.) Kings of Comedy:
Might be a shocker to some of you, not to others.... lol... but this movie, which is more a standup comedy, had me ROFLing. I was laughing hysterically. Of course, I wish they would have gone a little easier on the cursing, but overall, just great jokes!! R.I.P. Bernie Mac.

7.) Seven Pounds:
Since I've been a teenager I've been a fan of Will Smith... starting with him starring as the Fresh Prince of Bel Air... today he's still going strong and still one of my favorites.... in this movie I just loved the story line, the acting and the twist at the end of it.

8.) Bad Boys:
Must have watched this one a gazillons times on VHS back in the days. I just loved the action , the jokes, and Will Smith with his shirt off... lol... (*sorry Hubby... I was young and naive... (and single!!!) back then! Nowadays I don't look at these things anymore.... hehe*)

9.) Fire Proof:
It's a movie about a struggling marriage, that gets stirred up by a so-called "Love Dare" Principle. It's a movie that makes you think and hopefully act, too. I love it!
You can watch the whole movie on this youtube link. Enjoy!

10.) Titanic:
I mean, this is my first public Top 10 Movie List, and I would be a traitor if I didn't add this movie on here. It has made me cry 10 times and deserves some credit. I remember the first time I watched it: because I had been so busy with basketball and school, and all of my friends had seen it already, I ended up going by myself - (which BTW, I don't mind at all)... that was the first time I cried... and then the other 9 times were at UNLV where they re-ran the movie on the campus channel for a while... and I cried EVERY SINGLE time when that boat sank... I don't know what I was thinking... I guess that each time I hoped again that they would somehow make it and that my dearest Jack wouldn't have to "let go"... but we all know the ending of this one.

11.) The Notebook:
Alright,I just had to add a number 11, because it is a must... this is actually one of my all-time favorites!
I won't say much more, but if you haven't seen it yet, YOU MUST SEE IT!!!!!!!!

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