Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Hello everyone. Today I feel like sharing something about an old friend of mine.

Her name is Melissa Erickson.

She's a woman who lives in Seattle, and who I met back when I was at UNLV when she was a grad assistant there. She later also has been part of my "Lebe Deine Vision" Basketball camp for kids in Las Vegas.

Before her coaching career she was a great basketball player herself, and fought for the colors of the University of Washington. After college, she also played basketball in Portugal and even in my beloved Germany.

Four years ago Melissa was diagnosed with ALS.

ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), often referred to as "Lou Gehrig's Disease," is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. As the disease progresses, motor neurons -- which lead from the brain to the spinal cord and on to the muscles throughout the body -- die, and the ability of the brain to initiate and control muscle movements is lost, resulting in paralysis, and eventually death. The cause of ALS is unknown, and there is currently no cure or treatment to halt or reverse the disease.

Melissa has a foundation, which works to help her afford her medical bills and the necessary alterations needed in her home. As the organization grows, the Melissa Erickson Foundation hopes to one day benefit other ill and injured former athletes.
Last time I actually saw Melissa in person was at my basketball camp in Las Vegas. I saw her today again, in a video... a video about ALS... and it broke my heart.

It broke my heart to see what this disease can do to people... I had never really been aware of it. 
It also woke me up, and made me question all the little things that I complain about, and take for granted.

Melissa is a strong and positive woman with a lot of fight and energy. And that's what I believe in... that she is going to fight this disease, till the disease has to conquer.

As the year is slowly coming to an end, and you maybe still haven't found a worthy cause to donate to, I would like to encourage you to help Melissa fight ALS.
Just go to her website and find out more:


Thank you so much for your time to read this.

Much love,

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